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Copywriter Collective


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Copywriter Collective foreign copywriter

Insight: The creative industry has seen a digital revolution and great changes regarding creative recruitment. The freelance sector has grown and a number of platforms have emerged. The competition is fierce and for some pricing comes first, attracting people ready to work for a fraction of what professional would charge. Quality and credibility are suffering, creating a distorted image of the advertising industry and unfair competition.   

Brief: Copywriter Collective London has been an agent for copywriters for over 15 years, providing creatives with an international background to top agencies. However, with competition from freelance platforms such as fiverr and a lack of good quality clients, they decided to launch a campaign in order to mark their difference in quality and value with humourous headlines in the vein of The Economist famous advertising. 

Execution: Headline inside a pink box reprising Copywriter Collective visual codes.​

Media: Instagram

Client: Copywriter Collective London - Jack Stafford

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