Catherine Laz

Email inbox
Inbox fades as a
title appears
Emails slide off
screen as they are
getting deleted
A polar bear is then revealed with
final message, Twitter handle and logo
Wall of videos
Wall of videos fades as a
title appears
Videos jump off screen and disappear
Planet Earth is then revealed with final message, Twitter handle and logo
Wall of pictures and videos
Wall fades as a title appears
Some pictures and videos slide downwards as they are getting deleted
A tree is then revealed with final message, Twitter handle and logo
Insight: people are aware of the effects of global warming. However, they are not well-informed about the role of tech devices and digital in the phenomenon.
Brief: involving people in the fight against climate change by giving them practical advice about the impact of their online activities. Bypassing their frustration at people in power who are seen doing little or nothing.
Media: Banner ads - carousels -social media posts